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The storage of ice packs has special requirements by Gel King
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The ice pack is an item that people often use in life, especially when it is used for falling injuries or cooling down. In the field of production and medical treatment, ice packs also play a pivotal role, which can be a good insurance against food or Drugs, cooling or cold compresses for the injured patient, etc.

    So, should ice packs be refrigerated or frozen?

    In fact, the ice pack is not made of frozen water as people think, but made of a special high polymer compound. Generally speaking, ice packs are divided into reusable and disposable types, both of which have the effects of keeping food fresh, convenient to carry, and cooling and compressing, but their usage is slightly different. Specifically, reusable ice bags can be used in more fields, while disposable ice bags are mainly used in cold chain transportation, such as medicines and foods that are afraid of spoilage.

    The storage of ice packs has special requirements. Many people don't know how to store them and put them in the refrigerator compartment of the refrigerator. As a result, the ice packs fail. In other words, the ice pack should be placed in the freezer to ensure its quality, but it should be wrapped in a towel when using cold compresses to prevent skin damage.

    Shanghai Gel King is a professional manufacturer and supplier of Gel Ice Pack, and also a Gel Pack Manufacturer. Please contact us if you need it.

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