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It's pretty much the same except by Kingang drencase.097094@gmail.com
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
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  • Feels just like a direct reaction to 2K. Madden 21 coins: goes"sim" soccer video game permit. Additionally madden: does not touch franchise and does so rather. They are probably trying to get ahead of 2K a bit to retain some players. Reminds me of WWE. They're bleeding fans cause they don't hear them. Now they are throwing anything at the wall to get back them except what they've been wanting. I'm sorry but how does WWE not hear fans. Continued to push Roman despite fan backlash, refused to give any attention to Daniel Bryan until the audience straight hijack shows with chants. The moment they came out and advised fans to quit watching if they dont like it.

    At precisely the same time, everybody, in particular that the UI and Network guys, are also attempting to iron out technical kinks and standards for the next-gen release on consoles where the pipeline to acceptability from Sony and Microsoft is much less well-oiled, yeah, even EA is going to have a procedure. That is a fiddly business and standards are higher in the start of a console life cycle. If you still purchase Cheap Mut 21 coins on release in anticipation of the soccer season, there will be nothing at Franchise other than the pitiful stuff in the patch notes. It is too late in the day to add anything.

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