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We will get the hockey mutator which turns the grass to ice by dakun lee
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • There's a bit greater, too: Next month, we will get the hockey mutator, which turns the grass to ice and the ball right into a percent, and I look ahead to seeing how that works out. No one is saying my nickname goes to Rocket League Prices be 'The Dominik Hasek of Rocket League,' however I mean, they might begin announcing that now and we're going to just see if it sticks.

    This week, technically, it's the quality Rocket League performs of the closing fortnight. Last week, Gamescom prevented me from rounding up the network's maximum jaw-losing feats of ability. I lower back from Germany with an inbox packed complete of vehicle-based totally wonderment. I've whittled the ones down to a slim selection of the toppest of the notch, after which thrown in a pair from Reddit for precise measure.

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