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Learn More About Mechanical KWh Meter by morgan yhddb
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • In Hyundai Electric, a mechanical kWh meter can bring us a certain change. The ammeter has a very large purpose. It is very troublesome to switch between different ammeters under different conditions, and the multifunctional digital ammeter solves this problem well. It can not only be used in high and low voltage systems but also can measure three-phase (or single-phase) AC current to realize three-phase/single-phase automatic identification.

    The mechanical kWh meter is a multifunctional smart meter. It can complete electric energy measurement, electric energy measurement, data display, acquisition, and transmission, and can be widely used in substation automation, distribution automation, intelligent buildings, and internal electric energy measurement, management, and evaluation of enterprises.

    The above are some basic knowledge about mechanical kWh meters. Knowing this, you can know that the machine can automatically recognize it, but the single phase energy meter does not have this function, but you cannot think that the mechanical kWh meter is bad. On the contrary, if the mechanical kWh meter can exist for so long, then it must be good.

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