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Players that already very own Rocket League on Steam by dakun lee
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Players that already very own Rocket League on Steam can retain playing, but, with Psyonix pledging "full aid for destiny updates and features" on Rocket League Prices Valve's platform.

    That stated, Epic actually hopes to trap as a minimum a few humans over to its own save by promising a $10 USD voucher to anyone that adds the game to their Epic library among 23rd September and 23rd October.

    Additionally, Epic will all over again be trying to galvanise its navy of Fortnite players into action, promising a choice of "exceptional" Fortnite and Rocket League rewards for people who hop over to Psyonix's game and take part in rocketleaguefans.com its Llama-Rama confined-time occasion.

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