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While your character is lying on the ground other people by Kingang drencase.097094@gmail.com
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The prize is a choice a RS gold magical ring such as the egg ring however this turns you into a rabbit like in castle wars you will nonetheless be abble to exchange transaction but if you do trade ur ring will come un operate and when your done tradeing u will have to click on you ring and click operate magic bunny ring the other down side that you wont be able to run or do emotes if its operateing.

    The other option will be apet rabbit that in case you releace it will follow you like a cat it will grow or must be interacted whith you might do this whith it or weild it and it's going to be craddled on your arms and if you try to att it will disapear and if ur done fighting it's going to end up on your arms or stock.

    Which ever you chouse you'll also recive a emote or 2 if you dont have the rabbit hop emote if you have or have the bunny jump you will recieve the bunny hop anda poultry chase in which a poultry apears and you run in 3 figure 8s pursuing a chicken you then dip and the poultry disapears and your peson wonders where it went. So what do you think please Old school runescape buy gold reply of and the payoff #/10 and the challenge #/10 oh and sorry if I have poor spelling.

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