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Introduction to Neodymium Ring Magnet by Teng xiao
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The neodymium ring magnets used on motors are generally bonded neodymium iron boron magnets and injection-molded ferrite magnetic rings. The disadvantage is that these two materials have poor magnetic properties. The advantage is low cost, easy assembly, and the general speed is about 5000rpm. , No protective measures are needed on the outside of the magnet, but it is sufficient for general motors.

    There are also those using ring-shaped sintered NdFeB, which requires special molds for production and magnetization, which is costly. In addition, there are various magnetizing methods, which can charge a better sinusoidal magnetic field, which is more reliable than conventional in high-speed motor applications.

    So what are the advantages and disadvantages of ring-shaped sintered NdFeB magnets?

    Advantages: simple structure, easy installation, saving assembly cost.

    Disadvantages: The cost is more expensive than the tile design.

    Technically, the radiation ring is very mature, and some large customers at home and abroad are using it in batches.

    The circular neodymium-iron-boron strong magnet is cut from an ordinary cylinder to a specified size by a cutting machine. We can distinguish what structure it is by judging the direction of the magnetic force. The magnetic force of the magnet is concentrated on both ends, so the structure of the magnet belongs to the axial direction. If the magnetic force is concentrated on the side of the edge, then this is called radial. The axial magnetization and radial magnetization often referred to in our magnet manufacturers are the two differences, generally round neodymium Iron-boron powerful magnets are mostly axially magnetized. Unless the customer has special requirements and specific requirements for it, the magnet manufacturers will directly produce the axial magnetization.

    Ningbo Tengxiao Magnetic Industry Co., Ltd. not only has neodymium ring magnets, but also custom industrial magnets and other products. Welcome customers at home and abroad to come to discuss cooperation.

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