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WARNING! The ice key hits 1 damage for every 20 minutes by Wei weismart
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:

  • Lvl 50- Reversal of fortune: When employed, whoever strikes you bothers you from the amount they strike and the opponent gets hit by what OSRS gold they strike. All allies on your minimap are hit 15. Lvl 55-Sacrifice: Will 1 hit kill any ennemy 3 squares around you and will heal absolutely any ennemy out of the three square zone. You are instantly killed. Lvl 60- Forsaken: Can reverse the consequences of any prayer of whoever you're attacking. Your battle stats are decreased by half.

    The Death Shadows immediately kill you and will destroy every item you've got in your inventory (No exceptions) Last but not least, the Zaros prayerbook. To use this, you have to have 666 death runes in your inventory, historical magicks, all the god staves, the Iba team, and have 99 in everything.

    Before you go"OMG this topic is agaisnt the rules! F2P don't ever never ever get upgrades!" Hear me out. F2P have recieved a lot of upgrades, I personally am off an on member, so its not that I need to get mre things, I can manage £3.

    I was thinking, f2p have coinshare and lootshare, but theres no purpose, it'll never actualy be utilized as theres no drop within 50k from any creature. So whats the purpose? What better way than to give f2p a boss monster to really get them drooling in the lips?

    Blurite Dragons reside in the blurite caverns, to acquire accsess you need an"Ice key". To get it you want: Red berry Pie. Conclusion of knights sword. Dragon Slayer is highly reccomended. Simply speak with the dwarf in knights sword, then give him the dish to the"odd icicle" aka the ice key. As soon as you have the key go down into the blurite cave, near the eastern end is a door outline.

    WARNING! The ice key hits 1 damage for every 20 minutes holding it. The Keys result is nulified in the cave, your getting struck ones anyway. All aggressive in a multi battle area. Run through this and downa ladder. You enter a major area with a frozen lake in the center. Around the edge is a two deep square piece of land. 9fakes coming shortly )

    The Blurite Dragon: The monster is level 205, the highest f2p monster. It is going to never stray off the ice lake also contains the following effects. In case you stand of the ice lake with over 30kg of all items which you risk decreasing in. Should you drop in cheap RuneScape gold the lake you just take 10 damage and just take 5 minutes to float to the side.

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