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I may be in the minority here by Skyzhay Skyzhay
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
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  • You are very afraid of repeatable OSRS GP quests and OSRS HD that will be optional and that will not affect you at all in any way, nor will either influence Runescape for you because you is cosmetic and another won't offer rewards? This type of overreaction makes it hard to take what you are saying seriously. And new abilities - these things that a large majority of players want, but not quite 75 percent in any particular case - yes, really Jagex are ignoring their whole player-base here. Do not overlook the massive number of people who spite vote contrary to pvp updates just because they do not enjoy the community. Unpolled changes are okay if that is the case.

    It's true that the best content of OSRS usually come from BOTH Jagex and community helping each other. But we should remember that Jagex by his own is also capable of great surprise if given the opportunity ( consider the way Twisted League was amazing, and yet we didnt understood much about it prior to release) I think if all League content was polled beforehand, it would have been alot different and probably not as exctiting and astonishing. I assume, naturally, that they would just give rewards once.You're telling me I will not have the ability to do The Knight's Sword over and over for a week to get 200M smithing? And here I thought the whole leveling experience could be shattered with this particular one upgrade.

    I concur with everything you mentioned except for you getting your panties on fire for them asking for phone number at the end of the survey. There was no need, whatsoever, to use your RS email, and you may always give a imitation in Runescape game name if that field was demanded (not certain if it had been ). Little reaction for three disciplines you had on filling out, autonomy. Employment status is also standard market study. You would answer a question these days for any questionnaire that is currently trying to be serious about the demographics. Was a NEET triggered?

    I may be in the minority here but I would really like to see something. Found it interesting this came up in the poll but unfortunate it had been tied into summoning (yuck). Really appreciated the team facets of dungoneering and exploring/randomness into it. Also needing to create your own equipment was cool so that the wealthiest players did not always have an edge going through the skill (nothing against those players, just found it was fun to the ability ). OSRS version of dung could be sailing. So when its repolled later on vote yes, it'd be fine for OSRS to receive its very own exclusive skill similar to our quests that are exclusive.

    Yes! That's a fantastic point, I liked how the theme changed as you got to the dungeons to keep it intriguing as it improved. I have not heard much about sailing but id be curious if there's been some discussion please join or how it would work! Fun, I did not see any mention of teams, hopefully if it comes to fruition, that could be inserted either with a crew or even a fleet in the non PvP part. Remember a good deal of things that was proposed in that 2015 dev blog about drifting eventually came into match, such as island and the prayers.

    Like it'd miss the nuance of runescape gold 2007 my response some queries felt. For instance of me playing less than 6 weeks 12, the question is because I've got a job. There was no way to describe that so my answer could be interpreted that I'm playing less because I am less interested. Same with the Covid question. I'm playing less since I've a job because around the time. How do I answer these questions? The survey felt like that. It sure as hell didn't feel like"Your survey feedback will influence future updates and help form Runescape's direction. It is an opportunity to pitch the team your articles designs"

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