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Rocket League is an upcoming physics-primarily based by dakun lee
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Rocket League is RL Items an upcoming physics-primarily based sports recreation so that it will highest quality at the PlayStation four later this year. We recently had a Q&A with Psyonix's Project Lead, Thomas Silloway, approximately the sport, its functions and the imminent PS4 beta.

    "Sure! Rocket League is really a quite simple idea: Football (soccer) meets motorsports. All the identical rules of traditional soccer apply in Rocket League, of route, besides we're the use of cars in preference to people -- and each one of these Battle-Cars has a high-powered, supersonic rocket engine strapped to their rear-quit.

    "Our game is also heavily reliant on sensible physics, which makes function and speed an important factor in how you play. We've also given our automobiles the potential to jump, which allows players to do bicycle kicks with lots of lolga.com aluminum and metal. All in all, we assume it is pretty cool."

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