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Car online 4G Car GPS Tracker query and renewal method by yilian yilian
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The car needs to view the location of the 4G Car GPS Tracker online, you need to determine if the GPS positioner terminal is installed on the car. If the GPS positioning device is not installed, it is not possible to view the location of the vehicle online.

    If it is determined that the vehicle is installed with the GPS positioning terminal, you can query through the URL, WeChat, WeChat public account, WeChat applets provided by the carrier, and query in various ways of SMS checks, 4G Car GPS Tracker Take advantage of

    1. Users who have installed our GPS positioning equipment, our staff will assign a check-in account and password, please keep in mind

    2, computer check

    Computers can log in to the account directly through the website, or download the vehicle monitoring network software for vehicles

    3, mobile phone check

    The mobile phone can be used to implement management and positioning by downloading the mobile phone app, and can also monitor the vehicle by binding the WeChat public number, or WeChat applet.

    4, in the line

    When the car GPS needs to be renewed, the fee can be directly renewed through our business personnel, or it can also be charged through the website.

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