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What I should purchase to get my future DG reward by zoery best
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:

  • Red - They're found in the Brimhaven OSRS GP Dungeon or Red Dragon Isle in the deep wilderness. Both are a long way from banks and not worth it. Blacks without your stats, and since you said you'd only kill 5 I wouldn't recommend killing them either. Please update the original post with your full stats next time to check up on this thread. Thanks!

    I'm not sure of what I should purchase to get my future DG reward. I'm considering either an item from the Rigour prayer or the Chaotic crossbow. Lets say you make 100 hits at 150 damages per successful hit. We could estimate that 20 percent of these hits will be 0s offering an approximate rate of 80%.

    Now that we have taken into consideration an increase in accuracy for the Crossbow, your accuracy rate rises to around 87%. In addition, each of the seven additional hits you manage will also average 150 damages, of course. This means that your total damage is 130.5 instead of be 120 (this takes into account the 0s). Let's compare this with an increase of 5 percent in damage:

    Your accuracy rate will remain at 80percent. With each of these 20 hits are multiplied by 5%, the average damage for each successful hit goes up to 157.5. We will now add your other 20 0s that you have hit in 100 shots. Your new total damage per shot will be 126. This means you'll get a 20% increase in damage rather than a mere 5% but I'm taking out the damage that the eagle eye already gives.

    Be aware that a chaotic recharge that old school runescape gold combines tokens and gp can cost 20k tokens. I'm not sure of your rates currently, but bear in mind that you will be able to achieve floors that give 20k tokens per. Because these floors take between 23 and 28 minutes, and I doubt that you'll be successful in making 2 mil at frosts, it becomes beneficial to just use tokens for the repair.

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