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Purpose of Custom High Pressure Cleaning Machine by PressureWasher Shengjiang
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • 6 Unusual Uses for Custom High Pressure Cleaning Machine's High Pressure Washers

    Pressure washers aren't just for cleaning cars, decks, and driveways. Here are six unusual tasks you might want to tackle with an electric or air pressure washer.

    Scale fish. Cleaning freshly caught fish is not a pleasant job. Removing scales can be tedious and smelly. However, a pressure washer can remove fish scales in seconds.

    Trim trees. Loose or broken branches are dangerous. They can hit cars or people at any time. Fortunately, you can use a pressure washer to remove loose or broken limbs. Just shoot a high-pressure jet into the canopy and the branches will fall off.

    Stress test the roof. Don't wait for the next big storm to test your new roof. Simulate high winds and rain with an electric pressure washer. Find weaknesses so you can fix them before they become a headache.

    Clean fabrics and carpets. Pressure washers are more effective at cleaning carpets or car mats than washing machines. Pour the cleaner into a container and use a high-pressure jet to remove the toughest stains. You can also try this with dyed pillowcases and sheets.

    Clean gutters. Cleaning eaves is a tedious and time-consuming job, but not if you use a pressure washer. Carefully use the ladder to access the gutters and spray away any leaves, twigs, and slime that may accumulate and clog the downspout.

    Kill weeds. Using heat and steam is an effective and environmentally friendly way to kill weeds that grow from cracks in sidewalks and driveways. Use a steam cleaner to wilt dandelions without herbicides. Just seconds on weed.

    For more product-related information, please click:Pressure Washer

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