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The PvP Arena works like this just tell by Breezespring Breezespring
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The PvP Arena works like this just tell the system that you're looking for a fight , and the system will take care of it. Play on RS Gold and you'll be notified when a match is available and once confirmed, you'll be taken to the PvP alternative save world to fight with a player of the same in skill.

    Because all of these PvP battles are taking place on a different server when you participate at a level, all of your levels and items will be lost. you'll be given a basic list of stats. After that, you'll have to select a combat style that will boost certain stats. You can then choose a second combat style different from the first.

    After fights have been completed when fights are over, you'll earn rank-points and reward points when you win a match (1v1 match or tournament) that the game arranges for you. You will be able , in the future, to osrs gold sites arrange tournaments and duels on your own and reward them with points.

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