
The Protective Effect Of Shade Net Manufacturer Products by olivenet donghe
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
  • After the insect-proof net is wholesaled, it is necessary to use the insect-proof net

    With the development of agriculture, shade net manufacturer's greenhouse insect-proof net has gradually gained popularity, which has played a great role in the yield, quality and environmental protection of vegetables. Many growers have joined the camp of insect-proof net wholesale to realize greenhouse The insect-proof net is fully covered, but it must be used again with the insect-proof net. The following insect-proof net manufacturers teach you how to use the insect-proof net.

    1. Insect-proof nets wholesale should firstly choose insect-proof nets reasonably. When choosing insect-proof nets, the mesh number, color and width of the gauze should be considered. If the mesh is too small and the mesh is too large, it will not achieve the desired insect-proof effect; and if the number is too large, the mesh is too small, although it can prevent insects, but the ventilation is poor, resulting in high temperature and excessive shading, which is not conducive to Crops grow. Generally, 22-24 mesh insect nets should be used. Compared with summer in spring and autumn, the temperature is lower and the light is weak, so white insect-proof nets should be used; in summer, black or silver-gray insect-proof nets should be used in order to take into account the shading and cooling; in areas with serious aphids and virus diseases, in order to avoid For aphids and virus disease prevention, silver-gray insect-proof nets should be used.

    2. After the insect control net is wholesaled, the insect control should be carried out first. Seeds, soil, plastic sheds or greenhouse skeletons, frame materials, etc. may contain pests and eggs. After the insect-proof net is covered and before planting vegetables, it is necessary to carry out insecticide treatment on the seeds, soil, greenhouse skeleton, frame materials, etc. This is the key link to ensure the cultivation effect of the insect-proof net.

    3. Ensure that the coverage quality insect-proof nets should be fully enclosed, and the surrounding areas should be tightly pressed with soil and firmly fixed with lamination lines; doors entering and leaving large, medium sheds and greenhouses must be installed with greenhouse insect-proof nets, and pay attention to close them immediately when entering and leaving. Insect-proof nets cover cultivation in small arched sheds, and the height of the scaffolding should be significantly higher than that of the crops, so as to avoid vegetable leaves from clinging to the insect-proof nets, so as to prevent pests from eating outside the nets or laying eggs on vegetable leaves. There should be no gaps between the insect-proof net used for closing the air vent and the transparent cover, so as not to leave an entry and exit channel for pests. Check and repair holes and gaps in the insect net at any time.

    Now everyone knows what to do after the anti insect net factory wholesales. It is the beginning with the insect net. The growers can only make full use of the insect net to make it fully effective and play a role in the vegetables. Good protection and growth promotion.

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