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plastic pallet bin by Dana Cray
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • About the plastic trash can is no stranger in the life, we can say is everywhere, the kinds of plastic trash can also many, style variety, so need to be noted when the choose and buy plastic trash can?
    The following suye bin manufacturer to teach everyone how to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the plastic trash can:
    1, the first is to observe the color of the plastic pallet bin plastic trash can, in general, the better the quality of the plastic trash can, color is more bright-coloured, and has good luster, whereas gray color and luster is bad.
    2, pay attention to weight, generally speaking the same plastic trash can, if the material is the same, so it must be the heavier the better, but if it's some bad manufacturer production, plastic bins will join powder, is the increase of the weight, but so prone to plastic trash toughness is low, easy to rupture, reduce the service life.
    3, try it can be pressed in hand, see if there are broken plastic bins, if they are good quality, good elasticity, as long as gently press will appear damage phenomenon, but don't all stand on the plastic trash can, otherwise once broken will appear scratches phenomenon, plastic trash Z is to choose the regular trash can manufacturer production product, its quality has been guaranteed.
    Now almost everywhere can see trash can, become an important symbol of civilized city. To further improve the community health environment, and guide residents right on the plastic bins, hope the garbage classification habits can walk into the daily life of residents, further strengthens the urban environmental management, to create a warm and comfortable environment for area residents.
    In the coating process in the process of making plastic trash can, first of plastic pallet manufacturer all to remove oil, dirt, rust on the surface of the workpiece, etc to complete, and then for electrostatic spraying, the purpose is to spray powder coating on the product surface, if is a special artifacts, high-performance electrostatic spray molding machine should be adopted to implement the spraying. Again is to low temperature curing, the spray is good artifacts into curing furnace, heating to a predetermined temperature and holding time, and then open the furnace, the furnace cooling, to get the stove products. For decorative treatment, is to make the course after electrostatic spraying surface of the workpiece to achieve a particular effect.
    Identify plastic bins, there are mainly three methods, beginning the touch, with the hand touch products like waxy feel, must be the polyolefin materials. Second, the foreign products, see the light of the final products, first lit, the same plastic pallet supplier general of finished product is polystyrene and organic glass, and lit the finished product is low density polyethylene. Another way is to listen to, rap, with good thing they sound different, polystyrene sound like metal, organic glass its voice is thick, a fullness.
    In the selection process, crowded out by hand, and check the quality of the barrel body, if the product quality is better, that its flexibility is better; Second, also note to check the thickness of the product, if too thin, also too won't long service life. Then there is the smell, the smell is more pungent, so this means that using the material made of, don't choose as far as possible.

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