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akba boswellic acid by Gerald James
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Negatively charged under physiological pH of pumpkin polysaccharide, can be combined with LPL, and released into the blood from the arterial walls, promoting degradation of chyle, VLDL, prevention and treatment of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.
    Prevention and treatment of cancer efficacy pumpkins contain akba boswellic acid some alkaloids, trigonelline, pumpkin seeds alkali physiological active substances, can eliminate and catalytic decomposition of carcinogenic nitrosamines and effective prevention and treatment of cancer.
    Detoxification, liver and kidney function in the pumpkin is rich in pectin, pectin has excellent adsorption properties, bonding and effectively eliminate the toxicity of bacteria in the body and the influence of heavy metals and radioactive elements, has the efficacy of resistance to environmental toxins, for peptic ulcer patients
    Has remarkable curative effect. Pumpkin contains potassium, water and a small amount of sodium salt, can strengthen the secretion ability, in the prostate and liver inflammation, to accelerate the dissolve kidney stone and has carnosic acid price the good function of bladder calculi. Besides pumpkin powder for treating hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney, etc.
    Disease also have certain effect, because this kind of green and yellow vegetables, pumpkin contains can destroy harmful substances such as pesticides and nitrite in food ingredients, can help patients with liver and kidney function abate, strengthen the liver and kidney cells regeneration ability. According to recent days The domestic cancer center study, every day to eat pumpkin, green and yellow vegetables such as broccoli, can reduce the incidence of lung cancer, reduce the mortality of lung cancer.
    Antioxidant, protecting vision function pumpkin contains rich vitamin E and beta carotene. Vitamin E has a strong antioxidant effect, can effectively protect the body from some of the oxygen free radicals and peroxide damage, and may have certain anti-aging Role. Beta-carotene into A reaction in the body plays an important glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate physiological role in the human body of vitamin A (VA), VA for protecting eyesight, preventing eye diseases and sustaining the health of human epithelial tissue, promote children's growth play an important role, with VA to maintain normal vision and improving eyesight, promote bone growth, and the body cancer cancer has important physiological functions. As a source of food in the VA, pumpkin food and animal food, such as the liver, egg yolk, etc.), compared to the economic benefits. According to the report, Often eat pumpkin in the crowd, more than 80 - year - old, still can maintain good eyesight, don't wear glasses can also read the newspaper.
    Auxiliary treatment of prostatitis function of pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seeds extracts can alleviate prostatitis and treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy of pharmacological effects, but used alone curative effect is poorer, such as its compatibility with other natural plant using the curative effect of prostate disease is more Good. Pumpkin seed oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, linolenic acid, etc., have prevent prostate cancer, enhance male sexual function, and so on.
    Other functions in the pumpkin is rich in citrulline, can drive roundworm, tapeworm, fasciolopsis buski and schistosoma parasites, for treating schistosomiasis and advanced schistosomiasis ascites and other symptoms tannic acid astringent have certain curative effect. Pumpkin seeds contain abundant oleic acid, can Nourish the brain cells to remove the lining of blood vessels of sediments and improve brain function, improve cerebral blood circulation. Inorganic salts and trace elements in pumpkin plays an extremely important role in maintaining the body health.

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