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NBA 2K23 now free for download on Xbox Game Pass by anqilan456 anqilan456
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:

  • In general it gets the gameplay right and has for an extended period of time. However, an aspect that's not discussed enough is the way it's presented NBA 2K23 MT. It's the absolute best in any franchise of sports gaming and yet again, this one is flawless in almost everything right down to the sound.

    The commentary remains very smooth, which can be difficult to achieve given how fast-paced basketball is. The commentary still feels more natural and like a real broadcast than those games featuring slower sports such as baseball or football. Graphics are also amazing and so are the pre-game programs and other things. The only concern is in the reactions of the crowd which can be off point.

    While the graphics are strong users have noticed a few animations do appear to be clunky. Although the developers were able to fix some issues like the old bump steals, some things have gotten more sloppy this time.

    It might be while you're running a quick break or perhaps when you're trying to pull off a slick pass or when you're in a collision with your opponent, but that things aren't so smooth and smooth like they ought to and could keep this incident out of discussions of the greatest basketball contest ever.

    One area where the game was in need of improvement was on the defensive side of the ball. People get excited about, so it's not surprising that games have been dominated by that previously. Now, it's clear that work has been carried out to improve the situation for those who prefer playing defense.

    The most obvious change is blocking shots is now a major differentiator. Indeed, some may think it's too powerful because big men can just stop virtually every shot. It is also possible to compete with shots better than you did before and don't have to worry about the speed boost issue that was present in the previous version Buy 2K MT.

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