Hunting country

Hunting country by Gonyea Ralph
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
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  • Yes His Holiness received Dodoro The pope of the church has always been the chairman of the magic guild He is the first person to be a magician in mainland China He is also a religious leader Even if the emperor wants to see him it depends on his old man's mood For example when the current Emperor Garcia was crowned the Pope simply stood him up and did not attend the coronation ceremony but sent an archbishop to deal with it (This is one of the reasons why Garcia's popularity has been low since his coronation because the Church has made it clear that they do not think highly of the young emperor) Now His Holiness asked for an audience with Dodoro on his own initiative But also 14 needle valve with a kind and unusual attitude! Even His Holiness affectionately addressed Dodoro as "my dear friend"! What an honor! But for the Pope the mood is actually more exciting than others! In his thirties! I'm only in my thirties! A wizard in white in his thirties! How many years has there not been such a genius! The Great Mage in White goes up again that is the Great Magic Teacher which is also known as the "strong" level! But the practice of magic has always been the most time-consuming! Practicing magic not only tests people's magic talent but also tests people's wisdom understanding and knowledge

    Any successful magician must first be an excellent scholar This is ten times more difficult than those who practice martial arts! For a sorcerer being able to practice to white at the age of fifty is considered outstanding! Thirty years old in white Oh my God! That is to say he still has decades of life to impact the realm of the "strong"! There hasn't been a strong magician on the mainland for many years! Such a genius naturally want to win over well! The magic guild is in great need of a strong man! Although there are some big magic teachers in the magic world those old guys retired decades ago and now it's even harder to find them When Merlin made a scene in the magic guild he defeated the Great Magic Teacher of the magic guild which made the Great Magic Teacher of the guild retire in shame Later in the siege of Odin in the city of Odin one of the Great Magic Teachers died and those who were still alive lived in seclusion Now the magnificent magic guild and the imperial church actually rely on a few white mages to support the appearance it is a disgrace ah! Think about it carefully in other organizations of the same level who doesn't have a few strong players in charge Not to mention Odin that Odin God Emperor is simply the existence of the day!

    I heard that even the son of the God Emperor is becoming a strong man! There is Saint Roland Garros in the holy city of Babylon The royal family of the Byzantine Empire had a mysterious court master the Great Sword Master in the court (although not many people knew about it it was no secret to the Pope ball valve manufacturer ) Even in the Kingdom of Landis there is Merlin the king of witches who makes people's scalp tingle! What about the Byzantine Church and the Magical Guild Not even a strong man only a few white wizards! What a shame! The Pope obviously regarded Dodoro as his greatest hope and during the interview he clearly showed a gesture of turning over to the next and the two had a cordial conversation The Pope kindly asked about Dodoro's experience Dodoro naturally had some fabricated lies He only said that he had been practicing on the wildfire plain for several years after he left the imperial capital At the same time he also admitted that he had a close relationship with the Duke of Shaya Thunder who is now the first powerful man in the north (this can not be concealed after all Dodoro has appeared around Shaya many times) However in Dodoro's self-introduction he said that he was a magic adviser to General Shaya Thunder not a servant of Shaya

    This is easy to understand after all no one will believe that a white wizard will bend down to be a servant to anyone! Even the emperor is not qualified to let the White Master be a servant! Finally he deliberately showed his hand in front of His Holiness as if in a casual tone he casually mentioned that he had ventured to practice in the mountains of the wildfire and had slaughtered a real 38 needle valve dragon! The news immediately shocked several magicians present including the Pope himself! Slay the dragon! Even for the mainland's first-class strong people that is also a great achievement! Immediately someone faintly expressed a trace of doubt But Dodoro soon reassured them when he took out a dragon scale

    A real piece of dragon scale! (Given by Shaya) Then Dodoro also deliberately displayed a small magic in his magic the presence of several magicians have felt the magic of a faint breath of the dragon! This is even more surprising! "When I killed the dragon I used a soul magic to refine part of the dragon's soul power and my magic has since taken on some of the dragon's breath" Dodoro has an inscrutable expression on his face but his mouth continues to talk nonsense For the wretched dodoro telling lies is the easiest thing in the world But he did have the ability to tell lies because most of his magic came from the serpent Damandras And that big snake but really has the dragon blood! All the magicians present could clearly feel that the dragon spirit on Dodoro's body was very pure and could not be faked So the lie was believed by everyone Then all the people in the magic guild were excited! Fortunately in the magic guild the so-called envy jealousy and other emotions in the secular world seem to be rare after all magicians are still very detached do not care too much about the secular set The appearance of Dodoro also made everyone think that it was a good thing to consolidate the authority of the magic guild so all the big men showed a welcome gesture to Dodoro His Holiness was particularly excited Think about it!

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