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Fresh Start realms will no longer be a place by lucy Sage
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • For WoTLK Classic Gold at minimum 90 days, you will not be allowed to boost a character within the Fresh Start realms.

    At least for 90 days, Fresh Start realms will no longer be a place to make character transfers.

    Death Knights cannot be created in these realms unless you have a Level 55 character in that same realm.

    All of the WoW WoTLK Classic as well as Burning Crusade content will be accessible in these realms, while Northrend is not available on any server until Wrath of the Lich King begins.

    "Ultimately, we hope that players will spread into all available realms at the point that Wrath of the Lich King WoW WoTLK Classic gets closer," writes Blizzard. "For players seeking a chance at faction balance, we're hopeful that by beginning from scratch, they'll have an opportunity to maintain balance for a long period of time. If players are looking for an opportunity to get leveled in dungeons we hope the presence of other players increases the likelihood of that."

    The Wrath of the Lich King will surely pique lots of curiosity: our own Fraser reckons that it marked the end of WoW's most successful times and WoW was never more fun than during the return of Arthas. Blizzard hasn't officially dated the expansion, but it's expected to do so sometime in the next year. For now, we'll share everything we are aware of about how the studio is trying to bring back one of WoW's most memorable eras.

    World of Warcraft wants you for you to commit to being courteous to other players via the introduction of social contracts.

    The patch cheap WoTLK Gold was released in the PTR just a few weeks ago . It was then implemented in patch 9.2.5 which came out at the beginning of the week. "Azeroth is a live community of players like you--other players with different experiences, backgrounds, and histories who have all joined forces to play World of Warcraft," the introduction of the contract says. "Every player deserves to have a world that they feel safe in, so please make a few minutes to read the social agreement."

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