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Mang Huang Ji by dsf sdfsdf
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
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  • As soon as Cui Fujun waved his hand a metal scroll immediately flew out of the wooden house The scroll unfolded automatically and grew rapidly as if a huge membrane wall was suspended in the air a hundred feet long with countless stars on it and even in the center of countless stars there was a huge super-god system like the sun This is the star map we drew Cui Fujun pointed to the huge star map and said with a smile "We got the star map from the chaotic alien race in the past Dynasties In ancient times when Nu Wa was traveling in chaos she met a chaotic alien race who called herself'Qiu Sa 'and killed her" Got a very ultrasonic molten metal detailed star map This star map that we've created It was mainly the contribution of the name'Qiu Sa ' Ji Ning was surprised to see Such a detailed star map! "On this star map there are 21 space-time transport array positions" It also records 86112 chaotic world Cui Fujun exclaimed "When I first knew that there were so many chaotic worlds in the endless chaos I was shocked" "There are more than eighty thousand chaotic worlds and our three realms are just a remote corner" Bodhi also sighed with regret Ji Ning just marveled at the details of the star map He was not surprised at the more than 80000 chaotic worlds because he had already seen the star map left to him by the God of Beixiu World This star map has 21 space-time transport arrays and more than 80000 chaotic worlds which is a huge area

    There is no record on the star map given to me by the God of Beixiu World Ji Ning secretly said "It seems that it is very difficult to reach Tiancang Palace Fortunately I am given a time of chaos" "Look" Cui Fujun pointed to an inconspicuous corner in the northernmost part of the giant star map a dark spot of light "This ultrasonic spray nozzle spot of light represents our three realms" "The three realms are here" Ji Ning was surprised and even said "then we should easily reach other chaotic worlds" "No" Bodhi shook his head It's not that easy Fuxi also shook his head and pointed to the star map "Enlarge it" Cui Fujun nodded and the star map was immediately magnified a hundred times and became ten thousand feet long among which the remote three realms were much more conspicuous These are our three realms Fuxi pointed to the point of light "From ancient times to the present no alien race has ever invaded in other directions and all alien races have come to our three realms through this whirlpool space" "The environment around our three realms is very harsh and there are many unknown dangers To reach the three realms we have to come from this whirlpool space" Fuxi pointed to the road Ji Ning observed carefully and wrote it down quickly

    It's important to have a safe route through chaos These harsh environments also protect our three realms making it difficult for the chaotic alien race to come in and it is necessary to cross this'whirlpool space 'to reach here Fuxi said "So from ancient times to the present we have only met a few chaotic aliens" "Vortex space" Ji Ning wondered "Nu Wa did you leave from this whirlpool space" "Yes" Fuxi nodded "to reach the three realms we must come in from the whirlpool space sonicator homogenizer " If you want to leave the three realms you can only go out from the whirlpool space If we can get to the other end safely Then it's easy to reach the chaotic world "What is this huge light like the sun" Ji Ning pointed to the huge light in the center of the whole star map Fuxi Bodhi and Cui Fujun looked at the huge light and their eyes were hot It's called Damo Eternal Realm Fuxi whispered The last day of this month the last day of 2013 ask for a monthly ticket! Mang Huang Ji Mang Huang Ji Volume 8 Ying Long Wei Volume 23 Final Battle Chapter 4 Encounter "Big Mo Eternal Realm" Ji Ning was secretly surprised Other people in the three realms may not quite understand what the'Eternal Realm 'means but Ji Ning is very clear because the very powerful'Tiancang Palace' where the God of Beixiu World was originally located occupied one side of the'Eternal Realm ' Every eternal world It is enough to make the practitioners in chaos fight for their heads Ji Ning Cui Fujun waved again and a roll of jade slips flew out of the wooden house and handed it directly to Ji Ning "It records the information we know from the outside world" Ji Ning has connected the heart force penetration has swept quickly Boy Ji Ning gasped As I guessed

    Tiancang Palace is the eternal world of Tiancang Damo Courtyard is the'Damo Eternal Realm 'it occupies According to the detailed records on the jade slips Ji Ning can also infer the strength of the forces that occupy the'Great Mo Yongheng Realm ' Unexpectedly this is a force comparable to Tiancang Palace Ji Ning secretly said "at least in this vast territory" The eternal world of Damo is the core Well in the future I must go ultrasonic welding transducer to the eternal world of Damo I believe that some of the powerful people in the eternal world such as the gods of the world and the immortals of chaos should have been to more distant places Maybe there are those who know the Tiancang Palace Nu Wa camp killed that is the ancestral gods and immortals The stronger you are the more you know! In the eternal world of Damo there may be someone who knows the Tiancang Palace You see Cui Fu Jun sighed "according to the above records to infer that a vast territory" How many world gods and chaos immortals are there Compared with them our three realms are really remote and weak Ji Ning nodded gently Under normal circumstances On average there is one world in every ten chaotic worlds!

    This is a common situation from which we can imagine how many world gods and chaotic immortals there are in that vast territory But that territory is too vast They can't even fly back and forth through the void You have to rely on the'Time and Space Transport Array 'to reach some areas Because of the huge coupled with the harsh environment so a group of world gods chaos immortals are divided on one side making that territory very chaotic Compared to that The three realms are counted as Xanadu and the husband is on probation For the Great Demon God the Lord of all things and so on The chaotic world of the three realms which is not dominated by the world gods and chaotic immortals is simply a pie falling from the sky Of course it is desperate to fight After all the value of a'heart of the world 'is much more valuable than both of their lives Chaos is really endless and vast 。 fycgsonic.com

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