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Sheng Long Dao _ Blood Red _ txt Novel Paradise by Robert B. Oswalt
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Chu Hongye has no words Yi Chen shrugged his shoulders and drank the last bit of Qingshen Cao liquid He sighed and said "I am different from you Although I am a monk I have lost all my strength for a long time" I crawled out of the corpses I traded other people's corpses for my place I used violence threats bribery or naked murder to get my position and power I live in an environment where betrayal is people's duty conspiracy is the guarantee of survival obscenity is women's bounden duty dignity is the most useless garbage faith has become a tool to sell how can you big people know the horror of small people "With a hundred credits Vegetable oil filling machine you can buy a man to stab another man; with a thousand credits a noble lady can take off all her clothes; with ten thousand credits the guardian of the law will become your best friend; with a hundred thousand credits a man will kneel down and call you father master God;"; For a million credit points a noble gentleman will sell his soul; for ten million credit points a leading man in the country will be able to make some private agreement with you Yi Chen said these words in a strange tone and Chu Hongye's eyes opened wider and wider Yi Chen sighed and said "And you" You believe that your own strength can decide everything you believe in orthodox rules and you even think that the so-called patrol messenger will have a good effect on people like me

    As a result Du Qianxue was driven away by me with a sword; Fis the messenger of inspection could not protect herself in front of me and now she is still facing the wall and thinking about it You even have to do everything yourself I'm afraid you'll murder a person yourself right And I if I can use someone else I will not hesitate to use that person even if he will be in danger but it is not me who is in danger "In this world only oneself is reliable I never abuse myself I try not to put myself in a dangerous situation and you the style is completely different from me so you can not come up with my plan" Chu Hongye sighed Yi Chen asked in a cautious tone "So dear Lord Chu Hongye do you still think it is very difficult to kill Gong Baiyun" If you give me enough money perhaps I can help you plan one or two Chu Hongye suddenly laughed "That's strange Why did I kill my colleague" Did they interfere with me Well Yi Chen you are a very dangerous guy Yi Chen smiled faintly "Really" Maybe maybe Chu Hongye sighed and said "After listening to so many of your words it's really" Hee hee it's a pity that my'Flying Flower Valley 'is too weak Otherwise I would really kill those who threaten'Flying Flower Valley' and go to the fairy world because of your words Yi Chen did not speak looking out of the window with a faint smile the top of the dark Xuanyin Hall in the distance a few thin white lights flashed In the place where they could not see Yi Chen Gong Baiyun smiled and pulled his white hand out of the body of a Xuanyin messenger The strong white light flashed in his hand Edible oil filling machine The yuan Ying of the female Xuanyin messenger was grabbed out by him with his'soul-searching finger ' He looked at the frightened messenger with a smirk and said in a low voice "Pity pity your boss wants you to stay there doesn't he" Fortunately I suddenly looked back otherwise Lord Chu Hongye would not have misunderstood me As soon as his hands closed the yuan Ying in his hands suddenly disappeared and the messenger trembled all over and collapsed In the red leaf forest a little light flickered faintly ww w xia oshu otxtco m Chapter 195 taking by trickery and plunder The friar had no time seemed to have no feeling at all and the rest of the year passed in a hurry Early in the morning a certain corner of the Magic Dragon Temple let out a miserable howl "Don't … …" Please give me a break

    ” Skye whose hair had turned into a magnificent golden color fluttering slowly behind his body like a living thing that could twist whose skin was as white as a virgin and whose appearance was more handsome and more evil was in the corner of a room with a painful face holding his head and wailing He shouted madly "Oh my God leave me a way to live I will never do it again I will never do it again" A big magic dragon guard stood in front CSD filling line of him in puzzlement muttering in a low voice "It's not fair You can make Ketu happy Why not make me happy" Is it because I am the deputy leader of the Magic Dragon Guard not the leader No you have to give me a good time today anyway Come on Brother Skye don't be afraid It's just a matter of time Come on come here Hey hey I will give you benefits hey hey don't worry hurry up hurry up don't you know this taste is very satisfying Skye's godless eyes looked at the demon dragon guard as desolate and pitiful as a resentful woman in the boudoir He hummed feebly "Please

    I'm just a little vampire whoo I'm not a vampire I can't stand it I can't stand it" God eating only one kind of food every day is not good for the body Regardless of Skye's complaint the dragon guard happily put his neck close to him and giggled "Take a puff take a puff just one puff is enough" Ha when your blood clan sucks the blood of the prey the original prey will be so cool ah it is too addictive Skye stroked his round bulging belly and wailed protruding two golden fangs and slowly piercing the dragon guard's neck Years ago Yi Chen had a sudden idea to transform the bodies of his subordinates by the blood of the Magic Dragon Guard so that their bodies could accommodate more stronger and purer Zhenyuan in the future Be the first to bear the brunt is Ketu them in the magic dragon king irresponsibly dropped a sentence "ah" It's just a little bit of blood After that each of the leaders of the Magic Dragon Guard was killed by Yi Chen and each of them released five or six hundred milliliters of blood as a tonic for Jester gzxilinear.com

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