Cat's self-cultivation [wear quickly]

Cat's self-cultivation [wear quickly] by Mary E. Lantz
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Very consciously the cats came for a few bites then left with a can in their mouth and when they were full they continued to work Pear white sat on the cart the whole cat stood on the front of the car holding the cat's head quite energetic There interactive whiteboards in the classroom was also a poster hanging on the cart which was the poster of the contest on which the clerk had written a canvassing slogan [Fairy Cat Daily a Kitten's Real Daily] Such a small cart attracted the attention of many people many people looked at the cart and then looked at the kitten sitting on the top box can not help laughing out loud What kind of weird marketing is this

    The cats all knew that there was a kitten here asking for help They were very rich and could buy a lot of cat food So many cats came here After getting a job in Libai they ran to the door of a bookstore and began to meow When cats really want to be close to humans they can really make people's hearts sprout Most of the people who buy these magazines are young girls who are still reading When they see these kittens they can't help thinking about the serial that these cats asked for help to vote It's not that the little fairy cat asked his little friend to help canvass votes is it It's really interactive flat panel display amazing many people are curious about this scene for this point this day's magazine sales suddenly soared before "Fairy Cat Daily" did not dominate the number of votes also began to rise rapidly Other contestants after canvassing in various ways had been nervously staring at the ones in front of them but suddenly found that the number of votes on the website the fairy tale theme of "Fairy Cat Daily" was rising rapidly at a very steady rate What's going on here Did you brush the ticket! The contestants were indignant and then they saw the news on the Internet [Shocked!

    A large number of cats suddenly appeared in a city for the purpose of canvassing!] This topic all of a sudden let a lot of people to point in go in to have a look found that these cats are really canvassing and each cat is full of energy not the slightest reluctance The cats of different colors stood in the doorway meowing with their faces up their tails flicking gently and they looked very soft and amiable The kittens gained the trust of the young humans and led them to the bookstore where they meowed and loudly recommended their kitten foreman's books Meow meow meow! This is about the little cat The biography of the kitten is so beautiful! Cats spare no effort to recommend in the face of so many cute looking forward to the eyes no one is willing to refuse them As a result the magazines were sold out in large quantities and the cats were still shouting outside to ask humans to vote for the cats and the bookstore owners were all very happy Seeing a little cat sitting in the car giving these cats food to buy books they began to have ideas smartboards in classrooms and went out to buy a lot of cat food with a kind smile on their faces to attract cats with better cat food treatment so that they can do promotion in their own stores Seeing the shopkeeper doing this many shopkeepers immediately came to their senses and bought a lot of canned cat food and cat snacks which were placed at the door of the shop waiting for the cats to come More and more stray cats in the city came out taking advantage of this opportunity to help the little cat canvass while eating a full meal and even can be packed away the cats are very satisfied

    The little cat sat on the car and watched seeing two or three cats in front of each shop began to help recommend and the little cat's eyes were shining Meow! Everyone is working hard Li Bai took out the money he had set up a stall interactive boards for classrooms outside and bought canned cat food which was the salary for these cats If Jiajia enters the final and gets a place the bonus will be much more than it is now The little cat thought so and the little cat's tail turned up and became more and more energetic The media came to the city to take pictures of the cats and interview the humans who came out after being surrounded by cats to vote A girl was stopped by a reporter and when she saw that the reporter wanted to interview the cat she could not help but open the book pointing to the interruption and said to the reporter Look at this kitten it should be the one that came out to distribute cat food today

    She is really smart and knows to hire staff to recommend her Maybe it's really a fairy cat This girl has paid attention to this serial a long time ago Although the language in it is a little immature it is particularly childlike and interesting The book went on a rampage and successfully entered the readers'sight among the authors who had accumulated popularity Originally people were not very optimistic so they classroom interactive whiteboard thought they would stop at this position After all the author was a pure newcomer looked young and could not canvass like other authors Really did not expect that the author would give everyone such a big surprise and even let the cat help her do publicity Look at the cats all over the city one by one shouldering heavy responsibilities running in the city with a serious face orderly and purposeful looking orderly It's really cute

    At first it was just a small cat feeding other cats The quantity was limited and it probably didn't buy a lot of cat food But later the bookstore owners also went out and bought a lot of cat food and cat snacks and put them at the door waiting for the cats who heard the wind and got the job to come out and come to their door All of a sudden it became the whole city The reporters listened to the girl's words put the camera on the magazine and then saw the illustration in the magazine The little cat inside was exactly the same as the little cat sitting on the cart box before! Moreover the name of this book itself is called "Fairy Cat Daily"! The reporters looked surprised Was the cat really so smart No it should be said that all cats are very smart otherwise the other cats would not have come out to canvass together after the little cat came out today At least the other cats should be able to understand the meaning of the little cat The reporters set off a wave in their hearts

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