I am the only immortal

I am the only immortal by Edward K. Nelson
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The sea dragon's mind is completely used to protect himself and control the primordial spirit He knows nothing about what is happening outside his body The chaotic air in his body is like a sea of rivers gathering criticism to the primordial spirit He has made the final preparations Thousands of golden lights are lit up in Hailong Lingtai After shrinking the power of the golden cudgel is not reduced at all and all the golden light is condensed into one Point to the group of colorful light with the momentum of a thousand Jun Cheng Yuyu All meridians in the body fluctuate with the action of the primordial spirit under the control of the power of mind The gas of chaos protected all the meridians that were about to be shaken and with a light sound although everything was ready the intense pain still made the sea facial recognization camera dragon almost miss But the primordial spirit did not stop and under the control of the sea dragon's shunting mind it had become a completely different individual The latter two types of the three strikes of the thunderbolt talking and laughing retreating from the heavenly soldiers and hanging upside down from the Laojun furnace came out one after another and their bodies seemed to explode The group of colorful light in the strong impact of the golden cudgel was immediately washed open a huge gap Colorful light has just been scattered the gap suddenly gushed out a lot of blue magic but the gods people and ghosts have also appeared Under the severe pain the mind of the sea dragon has been somewhat blurred and the body is convulsing violently

    At the same time when the primordial spirit discovers the place of gods people and ghosts the huge warm power of Xiangge seeps into the body from every part of the body completely protecting all the meridians Xiaolou cries at night chases the soul and presses the soul and the burning God makes a life-and-death struggle with the blue light in the constant illusion of the golden cudgel The Golden Cudgel deserves to be called the most powerful fairy weapon Although the magic power of the primordial spirit is far less than that contained in the ban it still breaks a gap abruptly without any hesitation and the chaotic gas rushes in from the gap like a wild horse A feeling of reunion after a long separation flashed through Hailong's mind and he finally saw the chaos Dan he had worked so hard to practice When the two chaotic spirits hugged each other like brothers the mutation happened The first thing that broke out was the gas of chaos which had been suppressed all the time Driven by the gas of external chaos it launched a violent explosion to a huge bomb along the gap broken by the primordial spirit Only the first explosion expanded the gap three times its original size Explosive force is too strong violent vibration will be scattered in the meridians of the sea dragon and the idea of staying in the mind completely scattered the sea dragon only felt like a thunderbolt in his mind suddenly lost all consciousness Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva saw a flash of golden light in his eyes and looked at the sea dragon whose whole body shook violently and whose chaotic air suddenly became violent He knew that the moment he was waiting for had come If only to break a gap in the ban although it will bring great pain but he believes that the sea dragon can still bear What he was worried about was the big explosion when the two chaotic gases met

    The chaotic Qi sealed by the sea dragon is mainly cultivated by the Qi of the immortal spirit and the Qi of the nether world while the chaotic Qi possessed by the primordial spirit is cultivated by the ghost Qi Although they are both chaotic Qi they are somewhat different in their own characteristics face recognition identification kiosk When the two meet the first thing to do is to completely destroy all the alien powers that are not chaotic and then the fusion of the two What they want to destroy is of course the two layers of defensive prohibitions Jinguang Jiuzhuan Arhat is used to deal with the current situation The power of the Buddha suddenly swelled and because the two chaotic forces in the body of the sea dragon were fighting with the two forbidden forces the power of the Buddha easily invaded the meridians of the sea dragon Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva turned and shouted and the beads in his hands floated down and were immediately imprinted between the eyebrows of the dragon Nine golden arhats formed entirely by Buddha's power were thrown into the body of the sea dragon one by one each protecting one of his most important meridians and forming a solid shield at the Lingtai to prevent the explosive force from affecting the body of the sea dragon And the beads that reach into the hole between the eyebrows of the sea dragon are constantly condensing his scattered consciousness If consciousness is lost even if the body is fine the sea dragon can only become an idiot Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva had just finished all this and a more violent explosion began The spirit of the sea dragon was constantly trembling violently Every time the sea exploded it would emit some subtle magic power which seemed to be forbidden by the attributes of that layer of water

    As the explosion continued Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who kept casting spells suddenly opened his eyes wide in surprise "How could it be" How could this chaotic gas have the power to devour He clearly felt that after each explosion part of the two prohibitions at Hailong Lingtai would be swallowed up especially the layer of prohibitions laid by King Tota Even another layer of water attribute prohibition is constantly disappearing only the temperature screening kiosk remaining ones that can not be absorbed are forced out by the violent chaos in Lingtai Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva did not dare to be careless and used the power of the Buddha to expel the magic power of the water attribute from the body of the sea dragon The explosion was getting weaker and weaker and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva knew that the chaotic Qi had begun the process of fusion Relieved except for the beads that stayed between the eyebrows of the sea dragon he slowly pulled out the Buddha force that protected the body of the sea dragon He knew that if his Buddha power did not leave after the complete fusion of the Chaos Qi he would probably devour it from the Lingtai Talking about other magic powers besides the Chaos Qi was its target

    In order not to damage his Buddha power he could only quit The sea dragon slowly woke up from his coma He didn't know how long he had slept With the gradual recovery of consciousness he recalled everything that had happened before When he thought of the big explosion in his body he could not help but tremble all over and quickly concentrate on the situation in his body Mind power consumed a lot only one fifth of the best state but the scene in Lingtai surprised him The whole spiritual platform was empty including all the meridians of his body there was no trace of magic power only a small red light suspended in the center of the spiritual platform Don't don't you lose all your magic "No no" The sea dragon sat up violently in the roar panting violently When he sat up he suddenly found that his whole body was full of strength as if there was a faint layer of light flowing with him He was stunned and really didn't understand what was going on Small Say 。 T/X/t days Don Chapter 162 the 18 layers of hell hsdtouch.com

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