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Secret Agent Imperial Concub by Angelo C. Powell
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
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  • Seeing this Xuaner stepped forward and hugged Huoer who immediately clawed Xuaner's skirt But the hand that the sea ink wind twisted its neck would not stop Honey help me The fire cried miserably Extra Conspiracy 2 Xuan'er hugged Huo'er and saw the bright smile on his face "Uncle Hai that woman doesn't match you" I heard Grandpa Hai say that when she was willing to repent she would repent Now she wants to come back There is no such cheap White Marble Slabs thing in the world It seems that Uncle Hai doesn't want you You can only get a wife from her shamelessly Uncle Hai don't you think so Hai Mo Feng looked at Xuan Er and raised his eyebrows lightly "So" He said "So of course let her go as far as she can" Xuaner held the fire in her arms and the struggling sea ink wind grabbed the fire's finger Uncle Hai we are for your own good Uncle Hai you are much smarter than your uncle You can't be as ungrateful as him Xuaner stared at Hai Mo Feng with big watery eyes That expression is called innocence and sincerity The sea ink wind hears here to raise the voice "That said I want to thank you two" "It's all right It's our job to work for Uncle Hai" What Xuaner answered was called respectful and that was called smooth Hai Mo Feng is speechless this Xuan son is really a belly of curved intestines There is no next time After half a ring the sea ink wind slowly let go of the hand light way

    Although this method is too much it is also a favor for him Although he did not need the help of Xuaner and Huoer Xuan'er immediately hugged Huoer and hid him in her arms "Good good" she said nodding Then he held the fire in his arms and left The sea ink wind sees two guys run quickly rare hook hook mouth Looking at the back of the two guys he said "If there is a next time I will be very interested in having a friendly communication with my wife your father Xiaoyin" Accompanied by this it was Xuaner who slipped faster with the fire in her arms The wind blows gently and the island has infinite amorous feelings Whoa honey what should I do Uncle Hai is Marble Projects going to find my father After slipping out far away the fire immediately grabbed Xuaner and was about to cry loudly If his father silver knew he was talking about him I'm sure it will be put back into his mother's stomach by his father and recycled Extra Conspiracy 3 "Don't be afraid don't be afraid With your husband your daughter-in-law will be all right" Seeing this Xuaner immediately hugged Huoer and kissed Huoer's small eyes Uncle Hai is good or bad The fire pouted its mouth Xuan'er kissed Huo'er's small mouth and turned her big eyes "Daughter-in-law we" The sound of birds is clear and crisp and butterflies fly around bees On the island of Yijing there is an open plan beginning to brew When Yunqiong came back in the evening he had to laugh This fire is simply an invincible master

    But Poseidon suzerain is not laughing anger is not Marble Granite Price these two little guys how so love to play tricks on it really let a person headache You two little things are making trouble for me Late at night Poseidon suzerain stormed into the gate of the place where Xuaner and Huoer lived Xuaner sat on the bed with the fire in his arms He was not surprised to see the master of the sea God coming Instead he seemed to be waiting for him You two are so ridiculous I tell you you "Grandpa Hai Xuaner has something to say to you" When Poseidon lost his temper Xuaner smiled gracefully and waved to Poseidon Have something to say Poseidon suzerain was stupefied Xuaner patted the bed beside him and motioned for the sea God to sit there Smiling quaintly he said "Grandpa Hai you just want Uncle Hai to find a wife" What's so hard about that My aunt is much more suitable than that woman Poseidon suzerain raised his eyebrows when he heard this He had known for a long time that this Xuaner ghost spirit was now "Grandpa Hai come on I'll give you some advice" Xuaner overpowered his voice and smiled at Poseidon suzerain It's just that two people are uncomfortable This is easy to handle as long as he Xuaner hand two people are handy Of course the precondition is to ask Grandpa Hai for help The night wind is flying and the unique smell of the ocean is blowing through the night sky and permeating the island There was a bright moon in the sky and the silvery moonlight shone down reflecting the sneaky appearance of the three guys in the room one old one young and one Warcraft with their heads next to each other Night there is a conspiracy in the planning The next morning early in the morning

    "Aunt why did you get up so late" Extra Conspiracy Open Conspiracy 4 Before dawn Xuaner appeared in Yunqiong's room with a fire in her arms Just got up and looked up at the sky She usually got up at this time Why didn't she hear anyone say it was too late Why did you get up so early today Yunqiong looked at Xuaner suspiciously Holding the sleeping fire in her arms Xuan said calmly "The fire wants to see the sunrise but it's asleep now" Yunqiong couldn't help laughing when he heard this "These two little things" However I met Uncle Hai on my way here Uncle Hai left before you got up Let me tell you that you should get up White Marble Mosaic and sail to him by yourself Xuaner pretended to yawn and turned to go out When Yunqiong heard this he was slightly stupefied "Shall we go first" Why is he going so early "I don't know" said Xuan'er shaking his head as he walked out "I just heard Uncle Hai say that he was going to see the eyes of the sea array today The annual sea eye riot is today and the battle starts

    Before Xuaner had finished speaking when Yunqiong heard it he rushed out directly and went to the seaside The eye of the array that is the most critical place of the sea God Zong sea array Although she came to see the eye is not the most important place but can see with their own eyes and learn that is absolutely a good thing Looking at the sky of the clouds in a twinkling of an eye Xuaner blinked her big eyes and a strange smile appeared on her face In the middle of the day the sea ink wind waited in the middle hall for a long time without seeing the cloud sky and came directly to the door But there was no shadow of the cloud dome in the room Haimofeng frowned Where did the man go forustone.com

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