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The answer to this question is largely contingent by lucy Sage
Active 1 year ago пользователь 1
  • World of wow tbc classic gold Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic is offering an enhanced character for a fee to players for the first time, leaving players with the question what is the value? What is the Dark Portal Pass, as the character boost is called this is the first time a delay-saving feature is offered in World of Warcraft tbc and there's been heated debate over this issue, not just whether the boost is worthwhile in terms of personal value, but also whether paying for character boosts is a good idea present in the game in any way.

    The answer to this question is largely contingent on who's asking. There are clear benefits to the boost from a player's point of view. But the question comes down to what is the price? It's not just in terms of money for what players get, but it's not clear what impact that the Dark Portal Pass will have on the game overall when Burning Crusade Classic releases, particularly the game's economics. So although it might appear appealing, WoW: The Burning Crusade Classic's Dark Portal Pass might not be worth it in the end. Here's what you get with the Dark Portal pass gets players in the short-term, and why it might not be worth the cost for the long-term health of the game.

    Each account is only used once per day. WoW players can avail of elevating a character to a level of 58 for just $40. The character that is boosted will be equipped with green-quality equipment and a tiny amount of gold, a simple mount and the ability to ride it with four 12-slot bags weapon skills leveled up to the proper rank at 58 levels, and specific flight paths that will make traveling around the world more easily. The boost can't be used with Burning Crusade's newest Blood Elf or Draenei characters.

    What they are paying for is the chance to skip hundreds of hours of leveling. While players do level up faster during the Burning Crusade pre-patch thanks to the requirements for experience points being reduced and quests rewarding greater experience, it could require players to spend dozens, or wow tbc gold even hundreds of hours to level the character they want to level. Unfortunately, while Blizzard seemed to indicate it was the Dark Portal Pass was designed to give players who didn't take part in World of Warcraft tbc a chance to get ready for Burning Crusade Classic, veteran players with money are also benefiting from the level increase.

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