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RuneScape Executive Producer Jendrik Posche by anqilan456 anqilan456
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:

  • Fresh Start Worlds brings together players of all ages to start their RuneScape experience all over again. It lets players revisit the world of Gielinor in return to iconic cities, unforgettable missions, areas for gaining skills and boss battles OSRS Gold. Each of these comes with enhanced XP and gameplay enhancements. There's also plenty of reward points to earn, like fresh cosmetic armors, skins for pet pets and other capes for different skill levels. Keep an eye out as well for some rare trading rewards.

    In an official statement, RuneScape Executive Producer Jendrik Posche said that they're thrilled by the potential for this event to grow the player base and assist players in regaining their love for the game. Posche added that the event marks a moment in the game's history where new as well as returning players are able to unite and reignite that feeling of launching a brand new adventure as a community. Posche said that the fun doesn't stop when the event ends because participants can take their characters back to the main game.

    Old School

    For those interested In case you're interested, the Fresh Start Worlds event is starting through Old School RuneScape. The event begins on the 19th of October and is scheduled to run until the end of June. One of the main differences is that there won't be an increase in XP, so players need to depend on their abilities to be ahead. Within six months players can transfer their characters to the main server for the game.The year before, Jagex replaced the Old School RuneScape duel arena by introducing a new 1v1 version , as the previous version was used as a place for actual-money trade (RMT) and other illegal activities. After a short time, the upgrade, and clever players have already adapted to the new format with new schemes to get rich quick buy osrs account, which prompted Jagex to issue an warning.

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