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There are a few other ways to obtain Legendary Gems by Emily lowes
Active 1 year ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • How can you get these precious stones D2R Items? They are primarily found by working through Elder Rifts in conjunction with Rare or Legendary Crests. These are consumable objects that can be bought or obtained through the battle pass or other in-game shop bundles.

    Using a Rare Crest can give you the chance of obtaining a 1- or 2-Star Legendary gem after finishing one Elder Rift, while using a Legendary Crest ensures that the Legendary Gem will be found with a slim chance of getting a 5-Star Legendary Gem. The more crests you slot inside your Elder Rift, the more gems you get at the end as a reward.

    There are a few other ways to obtain Legendary Gems. They can be purchased (or sold) to other players through the Marketplace through Platinum and can also be made with a combination using Runes and Platinum. You can create 1- and 2-Star Legendary Gems in the Jeweler.

    You can also make a random Legendary Gem in the hopes of gaining a 5-Star Legendary Gem. You can also utilize Fading Ember on the Fading Ember Merchant to purchase certain 1- and 2-Star Legendary Gems as the store's inventory is changing every week. Also there are Legendary Gems that can even be found in Battle Pass in the game.

    Because of how scarce, and limited, 5-Star Legendary Gems are currently available, players will primarily be looking to find and upgrade 2-Star Legendary Gems when you first start out.Finding or equipping legendary Gems that work with your character and build is key.

    If you want to ensure that Legendary cheap d2r items Gems are even stronger, you'll need to rank them up. By doing this, the gem will increase its Combat Rating, Resonance bonus and the primary attributes. At the rank of 3. Another benefit for the Legendary Gem will be unlocked an additional effect, and once you reach rank 5, the gem can also grant bonus magic finds. Legendary Gems can be upgraded up to the maximum level of 10. Then they can be utilized to "awaken" a Legendary item, which grants several additional effects contingent upon the Legendary item that is being activated.

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