Like they did last year during Blizzcon wow

Like they did last year during Blizzcon wow by anqilan456 anqilan456
Active 1 year ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • World of Warcraft Devs On Balancing, Updates, and Micro-Holidays

    Like they did last year during Blizzcon, Blizzards developers on World of Warcraft are working on what appears to be a continuous stream of patches and updates to World of Warcraft . As we approach patch 7.2 We spoke to some of the game's leaders about their experiences while creating 7.1.5 WoW WoTLK Classic Gold.

    The people who developed the interview that was held shortly after the release of 7.1.5 included:

    Adam Kugler -- Lead Class DesignerJay Gill -- Class DesignerPaul Kubit -- Senior DesignerJohn Shin -- Producer

    P2Pah: One thing I'm most amazed by is the amount of enthusiasm our community has in the World of Warcraft . It's possible that a portion of it is due, I think to the consistent content we've received for the game. What has this been like on the development side, putting out the content on a regular basis in contrast to the droughts were common in the past years?

    We were incredibly excited about the game. While working on WoW we learned a lot from previous expansions - we learned things from Cataclysm's transition to Pandaria, Pandaria into Warlords, and the list goes on. One of the most important things we learned from Warlords was that we need to make more patches. We must keep the game alive with new content. The method we can do this is to ensure that buy WoTLK Classic Gold, every few months or so there's something new to play. This is the reason for these .5 patches--they're to provide no matter if it's the huge raid tier or the outdoor farming zone an exciting new game that players can enjoy.

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