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ost Ark players will be experiencing today thanks by anqilan456 anqilan456
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • In addition, you can find them in collectibles or you see them on Adventurer's Home screen. Press the N key to see it Buy Lost Ark Gold. While you're there make sure you check our guide to Lost Ark Nia Rapport.

    Rewards For Killing World Bosses

    It is a daunting task of taking on a formidable foe is well worth it. Killing these world bosses promises an abundance of treasure. In addition, you'll receive an epic treasure map, three-piece gear, and other things such as materials experience, and currency.

    Lost Ark has almost 20 of these world bosses, however, the number of bosses growing with each update. However, in this guide, we will specifically explain how to locate and beat Tarmakum, the Lost Ark Tarmakum boss. While you're there check out our guide on Lost Ark Vertus Pet.

    How To Find Tarmakum in Lost Ark

    There are a few tasks you need to do before you meet your ultimate enemy Tarmakum. There's an Factory in a secret base located in a hidden part of the ocean. Moreover, the name of the secret location is Facility X-301, to access this facility best place to buy Lost Ark Gold, you need to take a boat and traverse to the Spectrum Ocean.

    There are many side missions you need to do prior to completing the main quest. While you're there make a stop to review our guide on Best Lost Ark Mounts.

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