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After you've claimed your 100th townsperson by lucy Sage
Active 1 year ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • After you've claimed WoTLK Classic Gold your 100th townsperson, victory, such as it is, will be yours. Arthas misses his chance to defeat Mal'Ganis, however, who taunts the enraged paladin and invites him to the icy land of Northrend so that they might finish their battle.

    7. The Shores of Northrend

    Lusting for vengeance, Arthas has set sail with a large force of warriors to Northrend in search of Mal'Ganis. Upon arriving, he and his warriors are daunted by the bitter, sunless cold of the arctic climate, but still they press on into the waiting mouth of the World of Warcraft scourge. Fortunately, they'll encounter some unexpected help along the way.

    Walk-Through You begin this mission with only Arthas and a few support troops, so your immediate goal is to find a gold mine where you can set up a base camp. There are multiple paths leading east from your starting point, but they meet up to steer you in the same direction, so finding the mine shouldn't be too much trouble. You'll encounter some snow wolves and ice trolls along the way, but these enemies are nothing you can't handle as long as you keep a finger poised over the holy light button.

    You have only a few troops to begin with.

    Once you reach the gold mine, you'll come under brief attack from some dwarves who are quick to apologize and join you. Their leader, Muradin Bronzebeard, tells you that his allies have been attacked and cut off by the World of Warcraft, and this opens up your optional quest for the mission. As in other missions, saving the stranded dwarves isn't required, but it will make things a lot easier for you later on. For now, start out by deploying your peasants to create a base. Keep your troops ready, though, because almost as soon as you start to build, the World of Warcraft will attack. The first wave is buy WoTLK Gold a cinch to defeat, as it consists mainly of ghouls.

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