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WoW Classic Season of Mastery comes with some features by anqilan456 anqilan456
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
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  • As reported by Wowhead, the team of Tommysalami and Tactics have completed the world's first task of reaching level 60 after 76 hours of playing using a paladin and Rogue duo. The team made use of the leveling guide add-on RestedXP buy WoTLK Gold, which both players done work on and played with, to meet their goal.

    A Hardcore WoW is a type of community-driven game in which players try to determine how far they can reach without dying. It often , refusing to utilize things like the auction house in game or receiving assistance from non-hardcore players. Dying while playing a hardcore character implies vowing to erase or not return to the character who was killed.

    WoW Classic Season of Mastery comes with some features for hardcore-style play in official mode for the first time as players can talk to an NPC and receive the "Soul of Iron" buff denoting that the player has not yet had to die. The buff will disappear upon death, though the game doesn't go so far to automatically delete the characters that have been defeated.

    The race for the world's top hardcore level 60 was tied against Tommysalami and Tactics and Jokerd, a well-known player. Jokerd who has previously achieved world-first level 60 in WoW Classic in the year 2019. Jokerd's hardcore avatar was killed at level 50 , after longer than fifty hours played which led him to uninstall his account live on stream.

    For those who succeed in getting to 60 levels that is the next stage. consist of attempting to finish the first game's raid, Molten Core, without dying buy WoW WoTLK Classic Gold. Season of Mastery features raid bosses with increased life and new mechanics so hardcore players could be faced with a tough task for them.

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