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Introduction Of Shrink Band by Suzhou YingYang Packaging Technology Co.,Ltd
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • In the construction process of pipes, Shrink Band is an indispensable anti-corrosion product, because of its good anti-corrosion performance, it is widely used in many places, but in order to ensure the construction quality, we need to understand the construction process of heat shrinkable tape.

    1. Rust removal

    a. Referring to the requirements of SY/T0407, clear the oil, grease and other sundries on the anti-corrosion parts of the derusting machine.

    b. When the weather is humid, preheat the steel pipe to 50 degrees before derusting. Rust removal level: Sa2.5 or St3.0 level.

    c. Trim the outer anti-corrosion layer at both ends of the weld to a slope, and use emery cloth or wire brush to roughen the overlapping parts.

    2. Tube preheating

    a. Adjust the torch to medium heat to bake and preheat the steel body. The preheating should be uniform, not too fast, and the temperature around the steel pipe should be kept consistent.

    b. The preheating temperature is controlled and maintained at 60-80 degrees. Generally, the preheating time should not be less than five minutes, and the steel pipe with a large diameter will take longer.

    c. Use a thermometer to sample and measure the temperature around the steel body. Do not measure the bare steel directly when measuring the temperature. The actual temperature measurement is to paint a little primer on the bare steel to measure the temperature of the primer.

    3. Apply primer

    a. Start to mix the primer when the steel body is preheated (general ratio A:B=4:1 or A:B=5:1).

    b. The primer should be mixed evenly. In winter, the primer can be preheated before blending.

    c. Use a special brush to paint, and brush it 2 to 3 times to make the thickness greater than 100 microns.

    4. Baking

    a. Remove the packaging on the heat-shrinkable tape, and bake the rubber surface of the lap line of the heat-shrinkable tape with a low fire to make the rubber surface shiny.

    b. Lap the baked end of the heat-shrinkable tape parallel to the steel pipe. The lap width should be uniform, and the heat-shrinkable tape should be firmly attached to the steel pipe.

    c. The other end is burnt with a fire-baked rubber surface, and then lapped according to the lap line, compacted with a pressure roller, and sealed at the opposite seam with a rubber strip.

    d. Bake the rubber strip with a low fire, and then apply the fixed piece on it, which should be symmetrical and even. Bake the edge of the rubber side of the fixing sheet over medium heat and press it on the heat shrinkable tape with a pressure roller.

    e. After the fixing piece is installed, two people (three people should be used when the diameter of the steel pipe exceeds 1020) start to bake in the middle of the heat shrinkable belt with medium heat (the flames of the two baking guns must not touch each other, and they must be symmetrical), bake Carry out according to the circumferential direction of pipe when roasting. Slowly bake and shrink from the middle to both sides, not too fast, and then move forward to shrink after the shrinkage of the heat shrinkable tape is completed (the flame cannot stop at one position, it is easy to burn the substrate).

    f. After the shrinkage is completed, use a small fire (medium fire for steel pipes with a diameter exceeding 457) to extend the axial direction of the steel pipe to raise the temperature. Stop baking when the temperature rises to about 200 degrees (the temperature after removing the spray gun for three seconds) and there is glue overflowing on both sides.

    g. Apply adhesive strips to both ends of the fixed piece, bake it over low heat and level it with a putty knife. Clean up the construction site and complete the operation.


    1. When the wind is greater than level 2 during construction, wind-shielding facilities should be installed.

    2. When the temperature is relatively low, it is necessary to lengthen the baking time and prepare insulation equipment to keep the baked joints warm.

    The above is the construction process of the heat shrinkable tape. In short, strictly following the prescribed construction process can not only ensure the construction quality of the product, but also promote the use efficiency and performance of the product.

    Suzhou YingYang Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional Shrink Wrap Factory. If you need it, you can click the official website to contact us. We are willing to answer more information for you.

    our website is https://www.sunrisepacktech.com/

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