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Indians Pitcher Trevor Bauer Gets Politi by seestyle seestyle
Active 1 year ago пользователь 1
  • Indians pitcher Trevor Bauer has never been afraid to share his Carlos Baerga Jersey opinions or views to anyone, but over the last 24 hours has opened up a whole new can of worms with some tweets stating he's tired of 'liberal slanted Brad Miller Jersey anti trump articles' being all over his timeline. Support the new President or not, many fans probably agree that there's too many political tweets out there these days, but Bauer's views are clearly in favor of Trump, and it's got plenty of fans talking since his first tweet Thursday evening. One tweet that seemed to draw a Mike Napoli Jersey lot of attention was one where he stated that a lot of his Indians teammates are also in support of President Trump. And Francisco Lindor Jersey as expected, some fans are not taking the news that Bauer supports Trump all that well, even Trevor Bauer Jersey going to the extreme of wishing disease on the athlete. Scroll to Continue Here's some more of the react on Bauer - all from his mentions today:

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