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There are a few steps by Emily lowes
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Achieving such a difficult task of battling a formidable enemy is well worth the effort Lost Ark Gold. Killing these world bosses promises amazing loot. You will also get a treasure map, epic gear three pieces, as well as other items like materials, currency, and experience.

    Lost Ark has almost 20 of these world bosses but these bosses are increasing with each new update. However, in this guide, we will particularly discuss the best way to locate and defeat the Lost Ark Tarmakum boss. While you are at it check out our guide on Lost Ark Vertus Pet.

    How To Find Tarmakum in the Lost Ark

    There are a few steps you have to take care of before you get to your ultimate adversary Tarmakum. There's an Factory at a secret location which is hidden in an obscure region in the sea. Moreover, the name of the secret place is Facility X-301, to access this facility, you will need to get a boat to travel through The Spectrum Ocean.

    There are numerous side tasks you'll need to complete before you finish this main task. While you're on the subject make a stop to take a look at our guide for Best Lost Ark Mounts.

    There is an NPC that is called Ronika cheapest Lost Ark Gold in the Facility X-301. at the moment you arrive, you must speak to Ronika. Her location is near the southeast and she will be waiting for you in the area. Only after you meet Ronika you will learn about Lost Ark Tarmakum Location.

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