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2K23 overall or the perimeter defense rating by anqilan456 anqilan456
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:

  • The Phoenix Suns, by an extremely thin margin NBA 2K23 MT, had the third-best defense during the regular season last year They could've easily been in the top spot. It's a team effort necessary to maintain this quality over the course of more than 82 games. Fourth year forward Mikal Bridges played a crucial role in this. Not only did he play all 82 games but it was also a highly efficient defender on the team.

    But that's not the case in his 2K23 overall or the perimeter defense rating. The overall rating didn't change from 2K22; it was 83. The perimeter defense rating is an 82 (A-minus), which is second on the team behind Chris Paul's 90. For a player who was second in Defensive Player of the Year awards last year Both of those numbers ought to be higher.

    Moving on to one of the underrated players in the NBA, Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kenrich Williams is next on the list for two distinct reasons. One is his perimeter defense, where the 27 year-old has established the name for himself in Oklahoma. He's aggressive, hard to take down when it comes to attacking and is a formidable player in one-on-one scenarios and is just generally much better than he's been credited for. He ranks ninth on the team's defensive perimeter, following players like Ty Jerome and Aleksej Poku?evski, which shouldn't be happening.

    On the other hand Williams has the fifth best 3-point percentage on the team, and despite finishing 10th overall in 3-point percentage last season. He was 33.9% with 0.8 creates a game. Williams's profile isn't 100% accurate Buy 2K MT, but his 75 overall is a reasonable starting point (even even though it should not be 75. but 77).

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