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It was a very engaged political landscape by Emily lowes
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
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  • At the root of the problem, Jones believes WoTLK Gold, was tension at Legendary Pictures -- the studio which is the producer of World of Warcraft . "It was mainly studio politics. There was a lot of politics in the studio. Legendary was a turbulent time when we were making World of Warcraft ," he claims. "They were associated with Warner Bros. They left Warner Bros. and joined Universal. They were sold to Wanda, this Chinese conglomerate. They were replaced or lost some of their production personnel midway through our film."

    Jones is also adamant about how important the World of Warcraft brand to Blizzard the company behind the game. "We worked with Blizzard and they were very cautious about what they did to the movie, as their bread and butter were the games World of Warcraft , which is generating billions of dollars a year to Blizzard," he explains. While he acknowledges the film's earnings would not be "small potatoes" relative to what Blizzard makes through subscriptions to the game, the company was extremely protective of its brand. "It was a very engaged political landscape," he says.

    The experience of making World of Warcraft cheap WoTLK Classic Gold hasn't necessarily changed Jones off from working on another major-budget project. But, he'd definitely look at the matter in a different fashion. "I'm more mature now," he says.

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