We must also begin considering further in the future

We must also begin considering further in the future by Emily lowes
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
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  • "We realize that we must to release WoTLK Gold on a much faster rate than in the past," he added. "So the company is investing into our team and our resources to enable us to achieve that."

    Morhaime stated last week on the Activision Blizzard earnings call that Blizzard has more resources committed for World of Warcraft now that it ever has in the history of the franchise.

    World of Warcraft currently has 7.6 million players, which is down only 100.000 from the last quarter, but also below the 10 million that it had following the release of Mists of Pandaria in the year before. Morhaime said Blizzard has adjusted the way its World of Warcraft development team is structured in order to enable them to constantly look ahead to what's coming up for the MMO.

    "We must also begin considering further in the future and plan out further," he said. "We've already begun working on expansions following this one [Warlords from DraenorThe Warlords of Draenor. We've never had that before in the past. We've done an expansion at a given time in a kind of linear content creation model, and we've looked at ways to parallelize this. As a result, while we're working on this expansion, we're also looking at the next one."

    The game has been updated World of Warcraft Human Male is a lot more attractive ... Human

    Blizzard tainment has released pictures of its revamped Human male character model will be available in MMO World of Warcraft when WOW WoTLK Classic Gold the Warlords of Draenor expansion hits this year's fall. The model currently in use Human male character has drawn numerous criticisms due to their "odd dimensions and facial geometry," but that's all been corrected, Blizzard said in a blog post the website.

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