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Diablo Immortal doesn't cost anything to play by de von
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:

  • Diablo Immortal doesn't cost anything to play Diablo IV Gold, but after the first few hours, I was wanting it to. I would have preferred to paid a flat cost to play the game at my own pace, instead of being being continually bombarded with (surprisingly costly) microtransactions on a regular basis. Diablo Immortal is by no way as good as free-to-play games can be, but every single F2P technique hinders the game, not enhance it.

    First off, there's no need to pay cash for Diablo Immortal if you're not feeling the need to. You'll still be able explore the whole story, and find lots of loot and take part in all the side events. And for the first 20 or 30 levels you might not think you're missing anything.

    But a few hours into the game, things slow down significantly, and the F2P grind kicks in. (This occurs about the same time you'll start to get really involved in the game. Picture this.) Unlike regular Diablo games, Diablo Immortal occasionally just abruptly stops the story in its tracks, and will not let you continue unless you meet an arbitrary level threshold. This wouldn't be a problem in the event that the game restricts your options to earn meaningful amounts of XP every day. After a handful of time-limited missions and dungeons, the choices are pretty like "run the same dungeons over and over again" or "buy Battle Pass." Battle Pass."

    (It is interesting that the game is adamant about purchasing the Battle Pass as an efficient method of advancing your game.)

    This is, obviously where the entire predatory F2P fraud kicks in. The game has about five or six currencies, and it's at all clear which you can earn and which you need to buy. Battle Pass Battle Pass costs between $5 to $15, based on the number of cosmetics you're interested in -- however, there are two "daily reward" subscriptions buy Diablo 4 Gold, with prices of $10 and $20 for each. If you're looking to earn every reward the game offers players, you'll be looking at an initial cost of $45.

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