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Are you unsure of the best NBA team by lucy Sage
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The latest-generation NBA 2K MT Point Guard build is a pure shooting and playmaking monster that has just enough defense to finish the job at the perimeter. This build can reach the maximum OVR rating of 99. and can be upgraded to up to 83 Badge Points. This includes: 15 Finalizing Badge Points as well as 26 Shooting Badges 29 Playmaking Badge Points and 13 Defense/Rebounding Badge Points.

    Are you unsure of the best NBA team as Point Guards? When you're done with you Point Guard build, you'll have to choose an NBA team to be selected to begin your MyCareer. While you're free to choose and select your preferred franchise should you wish to, we do have a few suggestions to you taking into account rosters currently in use and the best way to match them up:

    LA Lakers: Russel Westbrook is an excellent player but with a pretty low score, you'll likely be able to take his spot at the top of the lineup. Consider that you'll be playing with Small Forward Lebron James, and center Anthony Davis in LA, so there's huge upside to selecting for the Lakers.Miami Heat: At Cheap NBA 2K MT 36-years-old, the Heat's current center Kyle Lowry is getting on somewhat, so you'll be able to outsmart him pretty easily.

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