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Although the formation doesn't include any wingers by Shaftes buryw
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • While it's not devastating when it comes to pressing on the field, some players may prefer the 4-2-3-1 to close on a match and FIFA 23 Coins also the 4-4-2 for when they're trying to chase the game.

    It's a very aggressive form due to the fact that it has a triangle consisting of two strikers as well as a CAM - perfect for quick link-ups. The most notable thing is that the 4-1-2-1-2 is used by players who like to play tiki-taka with a narrow middle.

    Although the formation doesn't include any wingers. However it is possible to bring your left-back and right-back forward to add the width needed when attacking.

    It's a good idea when attacking from the central areas because you could create an overloaded midfield, with the two central midfielders moving forward on the attack to outnumber your opponent.

    The 4-3-3 formation is one which some players prefer to not useas player who is the striker might be isolated. However, for players who prefer a more slow and moving style of play or just generally love an active game, the formation could be their first option of setup.

    The primary area of attack for this formation is the midfield and outnumbering your opponent is important here. The L1/LB triggers push your midfielders forward. Making use of one-two passing is crucial to ensure that you succeed with this form of play.

    Some FIFA players are also fond of using the 4-3-3 as a way to pack the midfield when in the process of defending a lead. They choose to set their three midfielders with their backs to the centre.

    The secret to 5-1-2-2 is the CDM. In earlier editions of FUT 23 Coins for sale, variations of the 5-3-2/5-2-5-1-2/5-4-1 formations did not come with an out- CDM. The gap between the midfield and the defensive line therefore made these formations more attacking with regard to their potential.

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