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Members of John Maddens family to light by seestyle seestyle
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
  • As the NFL community continues to mourn the pa sing of John Nate Archibald Jersey Madden, the Las Vegas Raiders are planning a tribute in honor of their iconic former coach.The Raiders announced Thursday that members of the Hall of Famer's family will light the Al Davis Memorial Torch prior to the start of Sunday's against the Chargers on .The Hassan Whiteside Jersey franchise noted that the tribute is "most fitting" considering it was Madden who first lit the Al Davis Memorial Torch on Oct. 18, 2011, .Madden's widow, Virginia, his sister Judy, sons Tyrese Haliburton Jersey Mike and his wife Susie, Joe and his wife Wendy, as well as grandsons Je se and Jack, are expected to take part.The Robert Woodard II Jersey Raiders' tribute will take place following an emotional , which included a observed by all 32 NFL teams prior to kicking off Week 17.Madden, who pa sed away on Dec. 28 at the age of 85 Corey Brewer Jersey , compiled a 103-32-7 regular season record over 10 seasons leading the Silver and Black. In 1976, Madden guided the club to a momentous victory in Super Bowl XI for the franchise's first world championship.

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