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Diablo Immortal reportedly made upwards of $24 million by Meade Dorian
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Three separate paid services are offered to give players who are eager to invest more and get a better advantage over those who thought that they'd be capable of competing by purchasing a battle pass D2R Items. There's also an entire game progression system that is based on opening increasingly expensive loot containers with keys that can also be opened with a particular currency purchased using a premium payment currency.

    The list goes on. When you have players spamming the game's chat looking to form exclusive groups together with pay-to-win "whales" (a term used for players who invest huge sums of money on a free-to-play game compared to the average player) There's a major problem.

    There's a lot possible money to be made in the mobile game market that is free to play that's for sure, and Blizzard's strategy seems to be effective. Diablo Immortal reportedly made upwards of $24 million in its first two days, and that's with the game being restricted in two European countries , and then delayed for a while to China (the game will launch in the other Asian markets July 7).

    People seem more than willing to pay thousands of dollars on Diablo Immortal, even if it's to demonstrate how ridiculous of an idea that is. A popular streamer paid the equivalent of $16.000 US dollars to acquire only one of Diablo Immortal's highly sought-after 5-Star Legendary Gems but then immediately ripped it up and delete his account and then uninstall the game to protest.

    The cost of spending thousands of dollars on Diablo Immortal just to make an argument (as more than a handful of streamers are doing) may sound like a sin however it doesn't alter the fact that a lot of these streamers have income that they can use buy diablo 2 resurrected items. They can put thousands of dollars into games like Diablo Immortal to get the attention of their viewers, then delete their character when they are bored.

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