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tonosparacelular by tonospara celular
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Ringtones are sounds that alert a telephone user that a call has been received. They can be recorded on a computer or mobile phone. They can also be created electromechanically.

    Ringtones are an essential part of a mobile device, and many cell phones come with pre-installed tonos para celular that are typically low quality. Some people choose to purchase ringtones in order to personalize their cell phones according to their preferences.

    Composing ringtones is not an easy task; the composer must balance the aesthetic and functional interest of their work. For example, they must create a melodic line that does not overstay its welcome.

    They must also be able to fit within the limitations of the ringing time limit. The average ringtone is under ten seconds in length.

    In recent years there has been a proliferation of cellular telephones ('cell phones') that are capable of playing audio files as a substitute for the traditional telephone ringer. These ringer audio files can be created and purchased using a media management application on a PC or a PDA, or by downloading them from an online media store.

    There are now hundreds of free ringtones available on the internet, and many of them are based on popular music. The ringtones can be downloaded in a variety of formats, including MP3 and AAC.

    Some ringtones are monophonic, which means that they use one sound, while others are polyphonic, which uses multiple tones. Some ringtones are even designed to sound like songs.

    Most ringtones are not very long, but many can be very loud. Some are so loud that they annoy the person who receives the call.

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