Juantarius Bryant ex-Austin Peay DB gets

Juantarius Bryant ex-Austin Peay DB gets by seestyle seestyle
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  • Undrafted free agent Juantarius Joey Wendle Jersey Bryant will get a legitimate shot at trying out for an NFL team shortly after he revealed he was the victim of a hoax involving such an opportunity. The former Austin Peay defensive back will be , where numerous will be in attendance.Bryant announced Sunday that he was tricked into thinking he had a tryout with the .Per a statement that he posted on social media, someone called Bryant from an Atlanta area code and pretended to be Brent Honeywell Jersey defensive coordinator Dean Pees while inviting the player to the Falcons facility. When Bryant arrived, he was turned away and informed that he wasn't actually offered a tryout.All things considered, he handled the situation with a lot more grace than it was deserving. Its been a rough few days, but I felt the need to clear the air and get this off my chest. Honestly ready to move on from the situation. Juantarius Bryant (@TheyLoveMyHair_) "I am ready to move Kevin Kiermaier Jersey on from the situation and respectfully I do not feel like talking about it over and over again," . "Yes, whoever did this to me is Dustin McGowan Jersey very wrong, but I'm moving on from the situation and I forgive them for whatever reason they chose to do it."I honestly would not like the person who pulled this stunt on me to be publicly humiliated. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." Bryant last played for Austin Peay in 2019, where he recorded 108 tackles and broke up four pa ses to earn first-team All-Ohio Valley Conference. He joined the team Mallex Smith Jersey as a walk-on in 2015.

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