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artificial sand making machine by xuanxuan geng
Active 5 years ago пользователь 1
  • In recent years, China's sand and stone industry as a whole has maintained a stable development momentum, the extraction and use of natural sand and stone have been controlled, and artificial sand (or artificial sand making machine) has gradually entered the market. The expansion of the artificial sand application market also indicates that the overall level of China's sand and gravel industry is improving. The following SBM Heavy Industry mainly shares the differences between natural sand, artificial sand and mixed sand. Construction sand is divided into three categories: natural sand, artificial sand, and mixed sand. Rock particles with a particle size of less than 5mm, which are formed by the action of natural conditions (mainly rock weathering), are called natural sand. All machine-made sands and mixed sands treated with soil removal are collectively called artificial sand. Sand made from the combination of machine sand and natural sand is called mixed sand. Natural sand is washed by water and washed in the river, so it feels more delicate. Comparison of natural sand and artificial sand: Compared with natural sand, artificial sand has the following differences and advantages: the material of artificial sand washing is excellent and stable. Artificial sand washing is a artificially selected raw material. The material is uniform and stable. The mineral composition and chemical composition are consistent with the raw material. The grit is clean, free of mud and other harmful impurities, and stable performance. Good particle size grading. A kind of artificial sand washing, a fineness modulus, corresponding to only one gradation. Its fineness modulus has a linear relationship with the sieve balance of a single screen. As long as the linear relationship is established through the measurement and the sieve balance of a single sieve is measured, the fineness modulus can be accurately and quickly obtained. In general, natural sand, a fineness modulus, can have multiple gradations. The fineness modulus can be controlled artificially through the production process, and the production is organized according to user requirements. This is not possible with natural sand.

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