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B-Tier: Cleric Dark and Darker by Dinhvand123 Dinhvand123
Active 1 year ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • As a fighter, Clerics are awful in Dark and Darker. They're probably the Dark And Darker Gold Coins worst fighters by default (not including the 'drunken fistfighter' build for Cleric), but they still manage to do alright overall. Most of this comes from their ability to use shields, which is a huge plus, and they have plenty of miracles/spells that target the undead. And, for those unaware, almost everything in the dungeon of Dark and Darker is some type of undead.

    Not only are they decent fighters and amazing undead killers, but Clerics are also highly sought after in every team combination thanks to their healing spells. They're basically a fantastic support character in a game full of raw damage dealers, and that means they're always useful to have around.

    A-Tier: Wizard Dark and Darker - B-Type Wizard On Character Creator

    Wizards can honestly fit in either A-Tier or S-Tier depending on who is playing one, but because of their high skill ceiling, it feels a bit more accurate to put them in A-Tier. Wizards can do it all in Dark in Darker. They can:

    But, because there is so much potential utility in playing a Wizard, the person playing the Wizard is punished much more for not being on top of their game. When they mess up in a PvP team-on-team setting especially, they can easily harm their team with their spells more than they'll help them.

    With Wizards, it's all about keeping the enemy at the perfect range and knowing when to switch from damage to buff/debuff and vice versa. And, if an enemy manages to close the distance, at least they have a last-ditch Magic Missile option to hopefully take their opponent out because if they don't then the Wizard will die in a measly one or two hits.

    S-Tier: Fighter Dark and Darker - B-type Fighter On Character Creator

    Whereas Wizards are the jack of all trades in terms of magic, Fighters are the jack of all trades in everything physical. Fighters can function as a team's tank, the frontline damage dealer, a back-range sniper, and they even work as a Solo-play class. Because of their Weapon Mastery Perk, Fighters can cheap Darker Gold use (quite literally) every weapon in the game, though this is at a 20 percent loss in damage if they do so.

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