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Right now we are angry a difficult activity by Emily lowes
Active 8 months ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • It needs to catch bottomward on the cheaters Dark And Darker Gold that admission taken to the bold afterwards it assuredly hit aboriginal admission a brace of weeks ago, in animosity of the accustomed troubles that abide to accumulate it off Steam.

    "Right now we are angry a difficult activity adjoin cheaters as we accumulate advice with [Dark and Darker's anticheat tech] Ironshield," wrote Ironmace dev "Graysun" in a column on the game's Discord (via PCGamesN). That agency the flat is bringing out the big guns, by which I beggarly a Discord bot that you can accelerate affirmation of cheating, so connected as you do it in a appropriate manner.

    "The activity adjoin cheating is a austere antecedence for us, and to added abutment our association we will activity a Discord annual you can anon bulletin with your affirmation of cheating for the abutting 30 days," wrote Graysun on August 17, auspicious players with video affirmation of cheating to upload it to a bot declared "Ironshield Support" on the cheapest Dark And Darker Gold game's Discord server.

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