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The next song is automatically played to the end by Emily lowes
Active 1 year ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • A Bard uses music to confuse or entertain crowds of Dark And Darker Gold enemies, making them a strong support type character that excels at distract enemies. They can also heal their friends and give them temporary buffs, making them an excellent addition to any band of adventurers.

    However, their noisy profession makes them one of the least stealthy classes. Bards are pretty tricky to master their core gameplay mechanics. Songs require them to pluck the correct notes by timing right mouse button presses. If you can overcome these challenges, you may find them a highly effective alternative to other support-based classes.

    The next song is automatically played to the end without any input and will succeed.
    Music Memory – the Bard can store up to four sheet music as space permits. The Cleric is the main healing class, requiring those who take on the role to monitor how their teammates are doing closely and if they need medical assistance. The Cleric also wears many other buying Dark And Darker Gold hats, as they heal and revive teammates and can also deal tons of damage to undead enemies with the right perks.

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