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The primary programs of packaging aluminum foil by xuanxuan geng
Active 3 months ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The primary packages of packaging aluminum
    Alloy series: 1 ***, three ***, five ***,eight***
    Normal alloys: 1060,1100,3003,5052,8011,8021,8079
    Fabric nation: O、H22、H24
    Thickness (mm): zero.018-0.2
    Width (mm) 100-1600
    The primary applications of packaging aluminum foil:
    ① made of flexible packaging aluminum foil baggage for the food enterprise, pharmaceutical industry and the cosmetics industry;
    ② semi-rigid bins fabricated from aluminum foil (boxes, cups, cans, saucers, small packing containers);
    ③ family aluminum foil(aluminum foil sheet thick) and aluminum foil for meals packaging;
    ④ metal cans, glass bottles and plastic bottles sealed lid;
    ⑤ inflexible aluminum cans, in particular the two-huge aluminum beer cans and tender drinks cans (tough cans);
    ⑥ composite foil bins;
    ⑦ gentle tubular box;
    ⑧ massive inflexible packaging boxes, including packing containers, refrigerated boxes, beer barrels, oxygen cylinders, liquefied natural gas cans and so forth.(aluminum foil foam insulation sheet)
    The use of exceptional gadget and top contraptions to make sure that the meals packaging foil(aluminum foil bag with tear notch strip) printing impact and mechanical residences, stepped forward product overall performance and temperature overall performance across the air. Furnace system, including field-type furnace, air movement gadget, diversion tool, purge and exhaust gadget, bayonet heater, door, door raise and clamping tool, cooling water machine. The maximum working temperature of the furnace is 650 ℃, the temperature difference is ≤ ± five ℃, the steel annealing temperature is 120 ~ 580 ℃, the temperature distinction of the steel is ≤ ± 3 ℃.

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